Saturday, February 6, 2010

Swollen kidney situation

So since December, I have had a slight issue with my right kidney. It is still swollen and might be slightly more swollen than the last ultrasound I had. My urologist is great and is keeping a good eye on me:) I do have some contamination in my urine (TMI) that could be bacteria...from what? Who knows? Anyway, I might have to have a catheterized urine sample taken...AWKWARD! And every month for the next three months until the baby is born, I will have more ultrasounds to make sure it doesn't become real serious.
Other than that, I am just being pregnant, chasing around a 2.5 year old and feeling slightly sorry for myself!! I don't remember being this tired with my first pregnancy, then again I didn't have another child. By the time 5 o'clock rolls around, I am totally done. It's all I can do to muster the energy to finish out bath and bed time. I realize I'm only 27 weeks and have three more months to go so I just need to buck up and quit whining about it!!
My appointments are two weeks from here on out...crazy how fast time is going.

We are trying to buy a house before baby is born. We should know more about a house we are interested in this week...keeping our fingers crossed!!


Heather said...

Kind of scary all the kidney trouble. Maybe that is contributing to your fatigue? Wish we lived closer so I could take Nathan every once in a while to play with Jackson.

The Beavers said...

I never really thought of the two being connected. I have an apt. this week and I think I will ask.
How are you feeling???

Cedar Reids said...

Oh, I hope you start feeling better. Take it easy and take care of yourself! Only do what you have to...

Hope everything stays ok and things don't get worse from here.

I'm so excited for you to be looking at houses. I hope it works out :)
I know a GREAT loan officer---aka Jason. He'll set you up with anything you need, and make sure your taken care of. Even if he is this far away... That's why we have fax machines right. He did ours for us, and we just faxed the papers to him. He's awesome!
Love you guys! Good Luck

The Cleary Family said...

Feel sorry for yourself! You can! It's ok! :)

Sorry you are so exhausted and dealing with so much! I hope the kidney situation works itself out. I am sure it is adding stress. Hang int here! We are all rooting for you!!