Sunday, November 14, 2010

Looking back- November 2008

From April 2008 until April 2009 we lived in Coos Bay. It was so hard being away from our families but the year went so fast and now we miss the friends that we made while we were there. We had some GREAT times there as a small little family and Coos Bay will always be a special time in our lives. This is a look back to November 2008...

 I got to hang with this cute little man every day!!!
 We battled bed time and nap time while in Coos Bay...I'm pretty sure this was a day he decided not to nap!
 Fuzzy picture :(
 BFF Jackson...Believe it or not, Nathan will still mention Jackson. Miss that face!
 We traveled home for Thanksgiving. The girls LOVE cousin Nathan and he LOVES them.
The day after Thanksgiving Nathan met Santa for the first time. A little nervous!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Six Months Later...

Kendall's 6 mth stats:

Height: 27 3/4= 97th percentile
Weight: 17.3= 73rd percentile
Can you say BIG GIRL!!! Love her chubby little butt cheeks!
What else do we want to know about her???!!!
-she is totally mobile. Not crawling but scooting and rolling EVERYWHERE!
-loves to sing (seriously she makes this little whining sound when she's happy and it sounds like she is singing!)
-Knows where mommy is at all times and is not alway happy when she leaves the room :)
-has two bottom teeth
-is trying to ween from her night feedings and is not real good with this change!
-prefers squash and sweet potatoes. No thank you to fruit.
-Wears 9 month clothing comfortably
-Wants a Cabbage Patch doll for Christmas!
-Still hates car rides
-Loves her brother but doesn't always think he is very funny
-Her tongue hangs out 80% of the time! So cute!

Other Beaver things:
-Nathan got the flu mist...such a great way to do the flu shot!
-Holiday coffee creamer is out but I don't drink as much this year. I'm trying to shrink my waste line!
-Speaking of waste line, I'm down 10 lbs in the last 2 months. I'm starting Fit Camp at my gym in a couple weeks too!
-SO STINKIN' excited for the holidays!!! This means I get to see my brother, Nhi (his gf) and my sis!!!
-Nathan is the cutest, funniest and smartest little boy I know. He keeps me laughing ALL day long!
-We are slowly getting our house totally put together. My project this week is putting up pictures on my wall. I ordered a bunch of photos from Snapfish and bought some frames...just have to put them all together and figure out how to arrange them on the wall. I'm waiting for Black Friday to see if other art work goes on sale for some other walls in my house.
-Painting K's room purple. Almost done...funny thing is that in a year or so we will probably switch her to the bigger room and have to repaint both rooms. uughh
-Had a spotless house yesterday only to wake up to a messy does that happen?! Seriously!
-On days that Cass sleeps (b/c of his graveyard schedule) I don't usually shower until 3 pm and it drives me crazy. We have 2 bathrooms so I really have no good excuse :(

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Holy Smokes!

These first two pictures blow me away! I can't believe how much they look alike. The first pic is Kendall and the second is Nathan. WOW!

Same with these next two...quality isn't so good (cell pics).