I was tagged twice so here it goes....ENJOY!
Four jobs I've had:
1) TACO BELL (don't judge, I was only 15)
3) Child Care
4) Citizens Bank
Four movies I've watched more than once:
1)Girls just want to have fun
2)Dirty Dancing
3)Sleepless in Seattle
4)National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Four places I've lived:
1) Corvallis,
2) Philomath
3) Utah
4) Currently, North Bend
Four TV shows I watch:
1)American Idol
3)Big Brother (just ended)
Four Places I've been:
3)Tijuana Mexico!!
Four people who email me regularly::
2)Mary Gilbert
3)My mom
4)Sears...I wish they would go away
Four of my favorite foods:
1)Home made Mac and Cheese
2)Dutch oven stuff
3)lots of chocolate desserts
4)Thanksgiving dinner
Four places I would like to visit:
1) Africa
2) New York
3) Italy
4)Istanbul Turkey
Four things I'm looking forward to in the coming year:
1)Nathan turning 1!!
2)Annual Utah road trip
3)Running Y in September
4) Christmas! (who doesn't?)
Four friends I'm tagging:
2) Tiffani (start a blog and get going!)
3)ditto for mom
4)ditto for anyone else out there who doesn't blog but should!