Saturday, February 27, 2010

Things I want to do in the next few weeks...

  1. Buy a house
  2. Wash my craigslist infant carseat
  3. Think about packing my hospital bag for delivery day:)
  4. Get a's been SEVEN months...gross.
  5. Try and get together with friends more often before my social life becomes non-existent.
  6. Save money but spend money all at the same time.
  7. Take one more mini family vacation somewhere
  8. Get a spray tan!!! (This will probably be done before the rest:))
  9. Cut back on my sugar intake (thank you Glucose test) but eat lots of Hasty Freeze cheeseburgers and french fries before I go on a diet in May!
  10. I'm sure there are more things, but this is just to name a few that are on my mind!

1 comment:

Cedar Reids said...

Yay! I love to do lists :) Getting my hair done tonight actually. Maybe I should start posting to do lists, so I can actually get things done...