Wednesday, August 13, 2008

sleeping update...

So if you read the most recent post (posted five minutes before this one) you will know that Nathan hasn't been feeling his best. Well, it was time for "night night" and he WOULD NOT relax. Normally we don't have this problem. After his bath and bottle, he cuddles right up and we rock to sleep. Tonight he fought it hard. Arching his back, throwing his neck around, I was ready to pull my hair out. I had finally had it. I put him in his crib at 8:05pm and left the room. I couldn't take it anymore. So that's where he has been for the last forty minutes and cried hard until about five minutes ago. I'm assuming he fell to sleep because it's silence in there. I don't dare go in yet. I'm feeling like a terrible mother. I know people use the cry it out method all the time. But it's hard when you are the one going through it. I just wish I knew why he was fighting so hard tonight. I guess I'm always reassured by the comments I receive that it's okay to let them cry. I know he's safe and okay.

1 comment:

The Cleary Family said...

It's ok to let him cry. It definitely isn't easy - (now I really know how that feels) - but it may be good for him to finally learn to fall asleep on his own. Maybe he has turned a corner? Keep it up - you are a great mom and Nathan knows you love him even if he is crying for 45 minutes.