Monday, December 15, 2008

Day Care update

So last week was rough. However, I did a little research, praying and talking to other people and decided that this phase too shall pass! I also needed to change my own reaction to leaving him so that he wouldn't feed off of my anxious feelings. So I've been really positive when I drop him off, pointing out fun things to do and telling him the names of the other little kids. When I pick him up I do the same...ask him what he did that day, etc. It seems to have helped a little. He still cries REALLY hard when I leave but he doesn't freak out when I pick him up anymore.
I had told them that he was struggling with giving up his morning nap and they have been able to get him to sleep while he's there too. Even if it is a short little snooze, they say he seems much better after some rest. So I'm feeling much more confident about this whole day care thing...although it's not my first choice. I would much rather be at home with him. I also think he'll get some good social skills out of the deal:)

1 comment:

christinaandbrian said...

good i'm glad you and nathan are starting to feel better.